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Sprint 1

This is the Sprint 1 Pair Review

Intro JS Calc Cookie Clicker API Snake Game Emoji JSON

Team Teach HomeWork #1

# Team Teach HomeWork #1

3.1 Hw 3.2 Hw 3.3 Hw 3.4 Hw 3.5 Hw 3.6 Hw 3.7 Hw 3.8 Hw 3.9 Hw 3.10 Hw

Why the Sprint 2, BI Unit 3 lessons, and self study final were impactful

  • I learned some much in these 2 weeks. Our team was responsible for teaching all 9 data types to the class, including integers, strings, floating-points numbers, sets, tuples, lists, booleans, dictionaries, and none-type. I also learn JSON conversion which was a new concept to me. To be able to teach lesson, I would have to have a deep understanding of what i am teaching. I learned a lot from the other team teaches as well. For each section they taught, they gave a few “practices” –> popcorn hacks and a final homework (some of them even gave a quiz). With all the homeworks and popcorn hacks, i feel like i got a lot practice and knowledge from my peers.

From my other peers I also learned –> iterations, confitionals, loops, Mathematical opertitions, and string/varibale manipulations

I learned many key fundamental concepts, like working in a team (forking and branching repostories), learning to solve merge conflicts, time managment with lessons, and working in a main branch.

A highlight memory from Sprint was actually presenting. There is a huge difference from writing the lessons in a small corner, and present it to the class and helping them truly understand the concept.

I feel like thiese 2 week were relevent to my learning because of many thing, When learning to code, it is important understand the fundamentals of code like dealing with numbers and strings and conditional, and from then on learning other languages should be a lot easier since you only learn the syntax.

Practice 2018 MCQ Reflection

Practice 2018 MCQ Reflection

Home 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16